Cafetiere Brew Guide
RECIPE: 65g coffee per litre of filtered water
The French Press, also known as Cafetiere, is a classic brewing method due to its simple design and functionality.
Step 1
Add your coffee to the French Press and place on a tared scale.
Step 2
Start a timer, add all of your freshly boiled water to fully saturate the coffee and let it steep for 4 minutes. If there’s dry coffee, push it under the water with a spoon.
Step 3
Break the crust on top with a spoon gently, then wait another 3 minutes for the grounds to settle.
Step 4
Place the lid on, press the mesh filter down slowly, and pour into your mug or carafe.
Brew Tips
If your coffee tastes weak or acidic, try grinding finer or brewing longer. If it’s too bitter, grind coarser or brew for a shorter time. Consider removing floating coffee pieces after breaking the crust for a cleaner brew. Avoid agitating the coffee bed at the end by not pressing the plunger all the way down.