Aeropress Brew Guide

RECIPE: 55-60g coffee per litre of filtered water.


Step 1

Place AeroPress on your brewing vessel then insert a filter paper into the cap and rinse with hot water.


Step 2

Empty the ‘rinse water’ and place your vessel and AeroPress on a scale, adding your coffee.


Step 3

Tare the scale, start a timer, and add all of your filtered water quickly to saturate the grounds.


Step 4

Immediately insert the plunger to create a vacuum and stop the coffee from leaving the AeroPress.


Step 5

At 2 minutes, whilst holding both the top and bottom section, gently swirl to agitate the grounds (less is more).


Step 6

Wait 30 seconds before gently pressing all the liquid through the bed of coffee.



Adjust water temperature based on roast profile: lighter roasts just off the boil. Medium/darker roasts will have better results between 85-95°C. If coffee tastes sour, grind finer/brew hotter; if bitter, grind coarser or brew cooler. A 'muddy' coffee bed may indicate the need for a coarser grind, while a quick 'plunge' suggests a finer grind is necessary.